How to Install & Configure Splunk Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu

Splunk is a powerful log analysis tool used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data from a web browser. It helps you simplify log data from servers and networking devices into a simple format that you can easily read and digest. It supports all major operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It …

How to use some more monitor system resources such vmstat, netstat part2

1- Nethogs   In your network connection seems saturated and you are unsure which application is the culprit, a program called “nethogs” is a good choice for finding out. On Ubuntu, you can install nethogs with the following command: Command: sudo apt-get install nethogs Output: We can run it by simply typing: Command: sudo nethogs Output: …

How To Use Some Monitor Server Resources such as top, htop Part:1

Introduction: To perform computer system for proper administration and monitoring. How to monitor system Processes. top One of the most common tools to check the resource utilization of processes is “top“. Command: top Output: The top portion has some system statistics, including load averages for last 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. It also shows memory and swap usage and count of …