How to Create Instance Group & Auto Scaling in GCP

An instance group is a collection of virtual machine (VM) instances that you can manage as a single entity. Compute Engine offers two kinds of VM instance groups, managed and unmanaged: Managed instance groups (MIGs) let you operate apps on multiple identical VMs. You can make your workloads scalable and highly available by taking advantage …

How to Create Launch Configuration for autoscaling on Amazon Web Service(AWS).

A launch configuration is a template that an EC2 Auto Scaling group uses to launch EC2 instances. When you create a launch configuration, you specify information for the instances such as the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), the instance type, a key pair, one or more security groups, and a block device mapping. …

How to Create EC2 instance on Amazon Web Service(AWS).

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. … You can use Amazon EC2 to launch as many or as few virtual servers as you need, configure security and networking, and manage storage. It stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. It is a web service where an …

How to Create internet-facing load balancer on Google Cloud Platform.

Load balancing is the process of distributing traffic across your network of servers to ensure that the system does not get overwhelmed and all requests are handled easily and efficiently. An internet-facing load balancer has a publicly resolvable DNS name, so it can route requests from clients over the internet to the EC2 instances that …

How to Create Virtual Machine in Google Cloud

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a compute resource that uses software instead of a physical computer to run programs and deploy apps. It runs on an isolated partition of its host computer with its own resources of CPU power, memory, an operating system (e.g. Windows, Linux, macOS), and other resources.   Login to Google cloud …