Nikhil Bhaskar
- July 18, 2021
How to Install & Configure Icinga 2 Monitoring Tool on ubuntu 20.04
Icinga is a open-source monitoring tool.It is used for data center & checks the availability of network & system resources.Icinga 2 is a updated version of Icinga.
Icinga is system & network monitoring application tool & checks the resources performance and provides the high-availability and distributed monitoring setup.
Install Apache2 Web Service
Update the System.
apt-get update
Install apche2 web service.
apt-get install apache2
Start & Enable Apache2 service.
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable apache2
Install PHP8.0
Update the system
apt-get update
Enable PHP PPA repository
add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
Install PHP8.0
apt-get install php8.0
Installing PHP Extensions
apt install php-curl php-gd php-mbstring php-xml php-xmlrpc php-soap php-intl php-zip
apt-get install php-cli php-mysql php8.0-common php8.0-opcache php-gmp php-imagick
Check PHP version.
php -v
Configure the php.ini.
vim /etc/php/8.0/apache2/php.ini
Update the following values:
date.timezone = Asia/Kolkata
Restart the Apache2 service.
systemctl restart apache2
Install the Icinga2
Add the icinga2 repository & GPG key.
curl | apt-key add -
Go to Source directory.
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
Create a repository file.
vim icinga-focal.list
Add the given below lines.
deb icinga-focal main
deb-src icinga-focal main
Update the packages.
apt-get update
Install the Icinga2 and Nagios Monitoring Plugins.
apt-get install icinga2 monitoring-plugins
Start & Enable the Icinga2 service.
systemctl start icinga2
systemctl enable icinga2
Check the status of the Icinga2 service.
systemctl status icinga2
Here is the command output.
● icinga2.service - Icinga host/service/network monitoring system
Loaded: loaded(/lib/systemd/system/icinga2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/icinga2.service.d
Active: active (running) ; 58min ago
Main PID: 22352 (icinga2)
Tasks: 18
Memory: 46.2M
Install MySQL Database Server
Update the System.
apt-get update
Install Mysql database.
apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
Start & Enable Mysql service.
systemctl start mysql
systemctl enable mysql
Install and Configure Icinga2 MySQL Module.
apt-get install icinga2-ido-mysql
Here is the command output.
- Select Yes to enable the Icinga 2’s ido-mysql feature.
- Select yes,configure the databse for ‘icinga2-ido-mysql’ with dbconfig-command.
- Provide the mysql application password for Icinga2-ido-mysql.
- Confirm the password.
- Click ok.
Login to MySQL database.
mysql -u root
Press Enter.
Here is the command output.
Modify the user ‘icinga2@localhost’ identified with the native MySQL authentication plugin.
ALTER USER icinga2@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
flush privileges;
Enable the ‘ido-mysql’ .
icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql
icinga2 feature list
Here is the command output.
root@ip-172-31-26-69:/home/ubuntu# icinga2 feature enable ido-mysql
Enabling feature ido-mysql.Restart Icinga2 for these changes to take effect
root@ip-172-31-26-69:/home/ubuntu/# icinga2 feature list
Disabled features: api command compatlog debuglog
elasticsearch gelf graphite icingadb influxdb livestatus opentsdb syslog
Enabled features: checker ido-mysql mainlog notification
Restart the icinga2 service.
systemctl restart icinga2
Install Icingaweb2
apt-get install icingaweb2 icingacli
Again,Login to Mysql database.
mysql -u root
Press Enter.
Here is the command output.
Create MySQL user & set the password.
create user icingaweb2@localhost identified with mysql_native_password by "password1";
Create Database.
create database icingaweb2;
Provide Grant all privileges on database to icingaweb2@localhost with grant option;
grant all privileges on icingaweb2.* to icingaweb2@localhost with grant option;
Flush the privileges.
Generate the icingaweb2 token.
icingacli setup token create
Here is the command output.
Copy the generated token.
The newly generated setup token is: b7216e39546855b4
Access Icinga 2 and Icingaweb 2 web-interface
Here is the output.
- Paste the generated token number.
- Click on Next.
- We have multiple Icinga modules for installation.Choose Monitoring.
- Click on Next.
- Check the Icinga environment.
- Click on Next.
- By default,authentication type is database.
- Click on Next.
- Provide the database details for the icingaweb2.
- Click on Validate Configuration.
- The Configuration has been successfully validated.
- Click on Next.
- Select Backend Name Icinfweb2.
- Click on Next.
- Provide the user-name & password for Icinga Web 2.
- Click on Next.
- Leave it as default.
- Click on Next.
- Check & Confirm all configurations.
- Click on Next.
- Now we get the icingaweb2 welcome page.
- Click on Next.
- Select Backend Name icinga.
- Select Backend Type IDO.
- Click on Next.
- Provide the database details for icinga2.
- Click on Validate configuration.
- The configuration has been validated successfully.
- Click on Next.
- Select Transport Type.
- Choose Local Command Line as a Transport Type.
- Click on Next.
- Click on Next.
- Check & Confirm all configurations.
- Click on Finish.
- Icinga Web2 has been successfully setup.
- Click on Login to Icinga Web 2.
- Provide the user-name & password of Icinga Web2.
- Now Icinga is Ready.