Steps to Install and Setup Apache Airflow on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Apache-Airflow is a free & open source workflow management tool, written in Python. It is used for monitoring the workflow & is a workflow management solutions tool. We can easily visualize the data pipelines’ dependencies, progress, logs, code, trigger tasks, and success status.

There are some steps to install apache-airflow on ubuntu:

Step 1: Update the System.

apt-get update

Step 2: Install the required packages.

apt-get install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository universe

  • Update the packages.

apt-get update

Step 3: Install the python3-pip.

apt-get install python-setuptools
apt install python3-pip

Step 4: Install the required dependencies for Apache Airflow.

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
apt-get install libssl-dev
apt-get install libkrb5-dev

Step 5: Install the Apache-Airflow on system.

  • Install the python-virtual Environment.

apt install python3-virtualenv
virtualenv airflow_example

  • Here is the command output.

  • Change the directory.

cd airflow_example/bin/

  • Activate the source.

source activate

  • Now ,install the apache-airflow.

export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow
pip3 install apache-airflow

  • Here is the command output.

  • Install typing_extension.

pip3 install typing_extensions

  • Here is the command output.

  • Run the following command.

airflow db init

  • Here is the command output.

Step 6: Set the Apache-Airflow login credentials for airflow web interface.

airflow users create --username admin --firstname FIRST_NAME --lastname  LAST_NAME --role Admin --email [email protected]

For example:
airflow users create --username admin --firstname admin --lastname testing --role Admin --email [email protected]

  • Here is the command output.

Step 7: Start the Apache-Airflow web interface.

airflow webserver -p 8080

  • Here is the command output.

  • Without stopping the command,Open the Apache-Airflow web interface using URL.


  • Here is the command output.
  • Provide the login credentials like username & password.

  • Now, Apache-Airflow is Ready.

5 responses to “Steps to Install and Setup Apache Airflow on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS”

  1. i have followed same steps for installing airflow its successfully installation completed and webserver is opened,thanks for that. but i have created dag taht not loading into airflow and not even i am not getting any error what was the reason for that.

  2. I have installed Apache airflow followed by the same steps. Its is running on development server.
    Can i install Apache airflow using .tar.gz file on RHEL server (on production server)?

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